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California Green Business Certified

We are committed to taking action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both the facility and operations.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Saved

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Icon
Planting Tree Icon

20,584 lbs. of CO2      =     That's Equivalent to Planting 31 acres of Urban Trees

Electricity Saved

Electricity Icon
House Electricity icon

35,651 kWh Saved      =    That's Equivalent to powering 3 houses for an entire year

Water icon

48,636 Gallons of water saved   =   That's Equivalent to 1,157 bathtubs of fresh drinking water

Bathtube Icon

Solid Waste Diverted

Solid Waste Diverted Icon
Dumpster icon

5,655 lbs. of waste diverted        =       That's Equivalent to one 10 yard dumpster

Fuel Saved

Fuel Icon

116 Gallons of Fuel Saved      =    That's Equivalent to removing 2 motorcycles off the road

Bike Icon

Hazardous Waste Reduced

Hazardous Waste Icon

4 Gallons of hazardous waste reduced   =   That's Equivalent to removing used motor oil in 2.5 Cars

Car Icon

Water Saved

Therms Saved

Flame Icon

342 Therms of naturaul gas saved        =      That's Equivalent to heating 13 homes for an entire year

House icon
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